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    S2 Preview


    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2020-10-27

    S2 Preview Empty S2 Preview

    Post by hamzaa Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:37 pm

    Uncle Micholas07/04/2020

    3JoeMo: Hi there me and xenis are doing interviews with all the captains, may i interview you?

    Patrik Zvezda: Sure

    3JoeMo: So after a shaky pre-season cup Team Payback have rebranded to AC Milan and Nameless has given you the captain role, please may we have some insight on why this happened.

    Patrik Zvezda: Nameless was no longer motivated to lead the team so he asked me if I could take over, I accepted the offer and I think I have an ok team now with new players.

    3JoeMo: Who were the key players you looked to add and remove and why?

    Patrik Zvezda: So I think reinforcements are the key because the team did not perform well in pre season cup. I will not talk about individuals because I have brought every player in for a specific reason, the same goes for those who were cut.

    3JoeMo: That’s very understandable, so with these reinforcements what are your goals for the season?

    Patrik Zvezda: Since we are a new team, we will try to play every game as best we can, so we will see how much it will bring to us.The league is extremely strong so i can't say anything in advance.

    3JoeMo: Very strong indeed, if you had to predict who would finish first in the league phase who would you predict?

    Patrik Zvezda: I would like to say that we will win but that is unrealistic so maybe Wolf Pack.

    3JoeMo: I like your confidence. Which team do you think will surprise the most this season and which team do you think will underperform the most this season?

    Patrik Zvezda: I don’t think it will be a surprise to me because I know almost all the players.I only hope to surprise many with good results with my team.

    3JoeMo: You're proving to have a very strong attitude this season. One last question, who do you think will be the best player this season?

    Patrik Zvezda: I expect of players Papadopol,Isco and e from my team and Vak,veil and shaxlele of league.

    3JoeMo: Thank you very much and good luck for the rest of the season.
    Team Analysis
    Originally called Payback, Patrik took over after nameless couldnt handle the heat 🔥 Some of their new signings will strengthen the team but unless his top players show up every game i cant see this team making playoffs. They will be playing catch up with mid-table for the season and i can see some faces becoming frustrated and leaving the team if things dont go too well.

    Expected Lineup:

    C Tier
    @Media Audience

    First of all, what are your goals for this season?

    Obviously we want to win the league that's our only goal, being champions

    Any words on the preseason cup, after the loss to Hella Cash (now The Equalists) You signed Nocke back straight away. Do you think he can make a big difference to prevent something like that in the future?

    Yeah he can, I noticed in fs that we instantly play better and are more confident than we were before. I think confidence is a good thing to have whilst playing, just makes you feel comfortable. Once Nocke has his futsal form back and we are used to each other again we will bang everyone's ass.

    In the HFL season preview last year, you predicted Nocke to be one of the very top players in the league. Are you sticking by that or you have a new guy in mind?

    Well I think it's obvious who's gonna be the best player, that's obviously Vak (it's actually Frank).

    Some may be doubting that Wolf Pack can go all the way without a recognised goalkeeper. What do you have to say to them?

    Not many people know GirlontaR, but nobody knew Vak too and now everyone sucks his huge cock so..

    What teams can you see challenging for the title along Wolf Pack this season?

    Enigma and Hella Cash, first Prayers was a contender for me too but they have weakened imo

    And finally, what 3 letter word would you use to describe your team?


    Thanks and gl for season!

    you too irish indian benchwarmer
    Team Analysis
    Wolf Pack can be highly successful this season if their main lineup continues to improve in chem. They were weakened in preseason with the loss of Nocke, but now he is back and him and Vak can form a terrifying duo, with Lyreco up front to capitalise on their passes forward. However, their one weak side can be their gk. Without a recognised gk, they may fall to teams who can keep possession against them. But expect them to steamroll over anywhere from 5th place teams down.

    Expected Lineup:

    S Tier
    Uncle Micholas08/04/2020

    After a very strong league performance last season, Jags/Emoji Team failed to achieve a strong run in the playoffs. What caused this to happen?

    Well two of our key players decided to leave before playoff even started so we had to improvise a bit 🆘 🆘. We used a roster we barely played with so we sadly lost a close game against the second best team in the world Fix Us (We are first btw) :pleading_face: :pleading_face: .  But this season everything will be different 🔥 🔥

    Ahh very unfortunate. How will this season be different for you?

    Spear and me had enough time to make el matador the best french player in haxball 🔥 🔥. He will be our key player this ssn to destroy fraud teams like hella cash and wolf pack 🙏 🙏 . T.Santander lost his virginity too so he will come back with a lot of confidence this ssn and score BANGERS ⚽ ⚽.

    El matador is a very underrated player indeed, I remember him destroying you last season. What are your goals for this season?

    Yes i made him look good so that he gains some confidence and unlocks his full potential 🔥 🔥 thats what captains do right? Our goal is clearly to win everything possible. Every title every award everything. 🏆 🏆

    Very confident. What teams do you see as your biggest threat?

    Tbh all teams look kinda fraud so we dont see any team as a real threat. 🤔 🤔 But if i had to choose i would say Jdominatorzy hella cash and prayers because they have the highest chance to disband and destroy our victorious run by destroying the league 🔥 🔥. Quick shoutout to Zorci for being second best gk in futsal right now. 👍 👍
    I can feel the beams of confidence radiating from you. Which player do you see tearing up the league the most right now?

    I mean pax is first in elo bot by a mile but other than that hes a fraud so clearly not pax even tho he was able to hit master 2 times already 👎 👎 . Imma go with Michael here. Lad shows his real talent in the elo bot day by day and turns the other frauds playing elo speechless every game 🔥 🔥. Wouldnt be surprised if Brexit Slavs gets a playoff spot after some Daffidy BANGERS 🏆 🏆 .

    Haha Thank you. Nice to see a bslavs legend paying some respect to his former team. My final question to you is, who is the biggest fraud in all of futsal?

    I was hoping for that question 😍 😍 . It would be too long too call out all frauds tbh but the most honorable mentions are:
    Zorci - Lads really thinking hes the best gk like for real u never saw me play???? 🖕 🖕
    Raiden - Thinks hes better than matador, delusional af... ❓ ❓
    Optimus - Great lad but lets be honest his gk skills are fraud as hell.. no idea how he got all star 👎 👎
    Simo - Funny as lord but futsal? hell nah his skills AND his league 100% fraud 🤝 🤝

    I will have to disagree with Classico 🤝 legend Simo being a fraud, did you see his ole on Daffidiy. Anyway thank you for the interview and goodluck for the season

    Even a blind chicken can find a grain...
    Classico 🤝 Great interview 🤝 Hope we will do another one soon 🤝
    Team Analysis
    Emoji FC were a nightmare to do the lineups of and they might prove to be a nightmare to some teams this season 😳 . Hatake is very underrated (managed to get some points for slavs in hfl) and tbf Spear improved a lot as well. They recently signed Rainmaker, and he might be the dm to carry them to a new level this season, or he might be a shambles. He will probs be a shambles. They dont yet have what it takes to be a top team but they are far ahead of the lower side of the table, quite like Arsenal.

    Expected Lineup:
    Hatake-Rainmaker-El Matador-Torment

    B Tier

    Hi Smurf squared! To kick us off, what are your goals for this season for Scream?

    to be fair we are just trying to get Optimus a CS since he's clearly struggling to not OG at 6:59 each half

    Scream have always managed to keep a tight knit core team, and DRIVE outsiders (like myself at one point) out of the team! Do you believe that the OG squad can bring you to success?

    We never meant to drive anyone out, it was always them who said they change their team. (in your case cause you have no soul and just ditched us, rude move) We stick together cause we like each other and we'll hope the newer guys just fit into this core and claim there place.

    Which player do you think will really push you to success this season, and how far up the table can he/she push you since you are likely to end up in the relegation zone?

    I hope that Ferry will ship us from success to success and he can get lost of the anchor thats pulling him down at the moment. Another player to watch is Smurf, if he's not working night shifts in Gargamel's house. And there is no such thing as a relegation zone, you noncy badmin

    What have you got to say about the "no corner for gks" culture that is going on in Scream at the minute?

    There is no such policy in scream, but sadly a young vulnerable gk we had back in the days have had a misunderstanding and spreads salty fake news. Opti doesnt need corners to concede a goal tho.
    Nice! Any specific teams you're afraid of this season, or all of them like usual?

    We dont fear any team, yet there are a couple of strong line-ups facing us this season. still why would you fear somebody in a 2d-game?

    Well personally i am afraid of a few Scream players but maybe you are tougher than me! And finally, what adverb would you use to describe your team?

    Which player is scaring you?
    we could go with mentally instable or if i'm allowed to quote the great pax it would be shmucks

    Thats not an adverb! (both killer and raki are terrifying)
    Thanks and gl for the season!

    mentally is an adverb, fake brit!
    next time drag opti in this, have a good season yourself and dont forget to not corner!
    Team Analysis
    Scream will be aiming this season to come in the top 6, and i think in the playoffs they can definitely surprise some teams. They have a very solid team, especially with Ferry in DM who keeps this flowing very nicely (haha get it). With Rakis inspirational pre-match speeches, Killers Simpsons porn, and Optimus' excellent skills in GK i believe they will prove to be an underdog this season but upset some who ranked them low, albeit they depend heavily on the presence of Ferry for important games.

    Expected Lineup:

    B Tier
    @Media Audience
    Uncle Micholas08/04/2020
    First of all, what are your goals for this season? Brexit Slavs were close to not being accepted, but managed to get in last second. Any thoughts on that?

    Our goals for the season are to cause as many upsets as possible and do our name proud, I believe we have a solid enough squad to achieve this and a lucky run into playoffs would be amazing. I believe many people hold our past against us and undestimate our abilities as a team. We will prove this season that we are a staple team in futsal and prove everyone who believes we arent good enough wrong.

    Which team do you predict to finish rock bottom of the league?

    The league is very strong this year so it is very hard to predict. I believe at least one team will disband but if i had to predict I would say supreme meme team.

    In your opinion, which player in your team can have an effect on your games, either positively or negatively?

    Majority of our players wear their heart on their sleeve which can work out both positive and negative. I personally believe the skill July possesses can help win us matches as well as the solidity of daffy at the back. dindindindi has also been working very hard on the field and I believe he has improved massively and I'm excited to see him perform in offis. Here at bslavs we dont promote negativity.
    Which player can you see tearing up the league this season?

    Personally I'd say skrej, he was really strong and carried Hella cash to the pre season title. I'd also like to say dindindindi will be an unsung hero this season.

    What inspirational quote would you associate with Bslavs, preferably one that originated from a foreign language?

    does london count as a forern language
    Team Analysis
    Success this season for Brexit Slavs will be if they can finish ahead of 16th place. They recently acquired some ex Triple D B team players but lost Total, which will not make up for it. Some of their OG players have improved a lot, especially JoeMo, but it wont be near enough in a very competitive league this season.

    Expected Lineup:

    D Tier
    Hey! First of all, what are your goals for this season?

    Uzumaki Çilek
    We are passionate about winning the title again. We train just about every day on elo bot with dindin, decayy, zalofa, warrior and the others and this help us to getting better and better every day. Our training consists of corner and wall practice, weight lifting, agility and speed work.  But our job is harder than first season bcs we lost many good players (Vak, veil, Madness). But i like the new squad. They are all pro except me and nub.

    What made you leave after such a successful first season, and then only rejoin the league last minute? Was it Kernoavirus, or another reason?

    Uzumaki Çilek
    The main reason for me to left the league was Daffyd. Back then veil was on my team. I agreed with him for season 2. But then Daffyd banned him veil bcs veil is pedo and then i pmed to daffyd '' is this a permanent ban or is he coming back''. Daffyd said its permanent and the fact that when i lost many players plus this happened so i decided to take a break. And what do i see on the 3rd day he got unbanned. He signed with another team i lost veil at the end of this. I rejoined league last minutes yes my plan was takin a break for 5 months, but I am always at home because of the kernoavirus and I have no better job to do so here i am.
    What do you think of the 50 euro prize offered by Daffyd for anyone who can guess the Top Goalscorer, Assister and Goalkeeper, and who were your predictions?

    Uzumaki Çilek
    Daffyd is  haxball's wealthiest people so 50 euro is nothing for him. Top scorer: xea top assister veil and goalkeeper asmir

    What inspired the name Predator Eagles? You do realise that a 'predator' means someone who ruthlessly exploits others, often in a sexual manner?

    Uzumaki Çilek
    yes I definitely chose it because it means. I love exploiting people sexually irl. I'm a sexual harasser man. I like watching porn, watching someone suffer during sex ehm.. jk im virgin. idk man its an old team Shangir is founder we should ask him .

    Have you got your eye on the Golden Gloves award this season, or are you gonna be a shambles like last season (only got Allstars for Manager amk)

    Uzumaki Çilek
    I can't run for gloden gloves bcs the team doesn't want to see me as a gk amk. Honestly its better for them tho bcs   they have a heart attack when they see me as a goalkeeper. Plus never underestimate of a manager's job . Its not easy to sign with high level players kurwa

    Kurwa indeed. Finally, if there was one past participle of a word that you could use to describe your team, what would it be?

    Uzumaki Çilek

    Thanks and gl for season! (btw u are the first 4 letters of Simpatico)

    Uzumaki Çilek
    hello yes im a gayboy
    Team Analysis
    Predator Eagles are coming into this season losing their main players but with some very decent replacements. However, i expect them to have chemistry issues and some players to become frustrated with a lack of game time. They will be on the very edge of the playoff zone but i think they will make it in the end. How far they can advance in the playoffs will depend on Uzus genius tactics, as he is perhaps the greatest manager in haxball ever of all time. Shame he cant transfer those brains into gk skills.

    Expected Lineup

    B Tier
    @Media Audience
    Uncle Micholas09/04/2020
    After a no-show in bff last season what are eNIGma's plans for this season?

    to win of course, not aiming at anything less 👍
    can't lose to these dogs

    Nice to see some confidence. The core of the squad has changed drastically since HFL days, what is the reasoning behind this?

    well rizzoli is dogshit so we had to get rid of him
    and for the rest idk
    i think oek didn't really like us
    so we brought in jasko 👍
    he is doing a fine job so far i believe
    and now wroz, he is epico, playing fm with jasko and shit no hate
    1 new signing coming up potentially too 👀

    👀 Cant wait to see. Which teams do you see being your biggest threat to you title challenge this season?

    wolf pack and the equalists (what a shitty name) for now, and perhaps predator eagles

    You and wolf pack seemed to be very evenly matched in the pre season cup, was one of the best matches I've ever commentated on. What do you think was the main reason for your loss that match?

    we lost because i wasn't playing no hate
    it was also vegetas 1st match in futsal
    so that was unlucky
    Ah yes, tomza did look a bit shaky in the midfield. I've heard you are struggling to play at the moment due to issues with your ping, can you give the fans an update on your situation?

    ah yes the ping is fucked up because of the earthquake that recently hit zagreb
    i still get big spikes sometimes but for the most part its fixed
    i am also playing on a shitty laptop keyboard which i am still getting used to 👍
    but i believe i might be ready for the big matches

    Thats great to hear, I hope your situation improves. So who do you believe will be the best player this season

    tough question, i think it's a toss up between skrej, vak, wroz and jasko
    but we'll see 👀

    Skrej has been looking very strong indeed, my mvp for the pre season cup. My final question to you is who is the biggest fraud in futsal?

    that's gotta be veil for sure
    even without pedophilia

    Good answer, big ups to 2Fraud. Anyway thank you very much for the interview and good luck for the season.

    thank you very much kind sir 🙏
    Team Analysis
    Enigma have the ability to top the league by a long shot this season if the other S Tiers get too cocky. jasko is known as an amazing player but even then he is underrated. They lost the preseason semi finals to Wolf Pack in a tight game, however they didnt have their full strength side. Tool is an exceptional GK, and even an Allstar AM last season. Not many predicted jasko to finish with the Golden Boot this season but if he continues to play ST, it will be very close at the top of the leaderboard. They are like an Indigol on steroids basically, and with Tools massive gains you might even think he himself is on steroids 😳. Their bench players would start on most lineups in this league.

    Expected Lineup

    S Tier

    Hi! What are your goals for the new season of BFF?

    My goals for this ssn is to challenge for the title, there are a few good teams including the likes of Hella Cash WolfPack etc. my personal goals are to get golden boot and ofc win the title as a captain.

    In your opinion, who is the most valuable player in the league right now?

    ppft, imo its Vak, but there are others that are good aswell but hes at the top

    What made you create a new team after being so unsuccessful in haxball, and then calling it a name like Prayers?

    ok not answeing ur questions

    (Kl refused to answer any more after this)
    Team Analysis
    The main challenge for Prayers this season will be keeping up with the top 3 teams, but their best lineup is easily as good as the rest. They will be relying on gunlean to shake off his rust, but when he is on his game he is one of the top dms in futsal. Laki being their star player will shine throughout the season in any position he is needed. They have some great backup players, like Madness. Having a player like Madness is great as he can be used at an extremely high level in any position. Kl has honestly done well in putting together this team, and many may have doubted his capabilities but he can prove them wrong this season as a player and manager.

    Expected Lineup:

    S Tier
    @Media Audience
    Uncle Micholas09/04/2020
    Being a new team in the league, what are your hopes for this season?

    We are here to show our quality. I know it will be an hard competition, lots of good teams with great players, but i really feel we can surprise everyone. 5 first places are our main focus, after that its all profit.

    Which teams do you see finishing above you? And will you be happy with a playoff spot?

    Teams like AC Milan, WolfPack, Equalists are some of the favorites for this season, but this is haxball, surprises can happen
    Been able to play the playoffs is something that any team in competition would want, but I stick with my answer, we will play aiming to be in the podium, thats our main goal

    Seeing as your squad is somewhat unknown to most players could you give us a brief insight into who some of your best players are and their haxball background?

    HDM have been arround since 2018, but some of our players used to play together even before HDM was born. I dont think HDM has a superstar, a player that if he doesnt play we loose... We have a very balanced squad, which can be a headache for other teams because we can be very unpredictable
    True, do you find it hard managing such a large squad?

    Its not hard when it isnt just a team but a group of friends. The relation between all of us makes it easy and fun

    Always nice to have a good atmosphere in the team. Final question, what team do you believe will surprise the most

    HDM xd. I mean since we are the newbies here, people dont expect much from us, but i do

    Lovely to hear a bit of confidence, good luck with the season and thanks for the interview

    Team Analysis
    HDM may be a a tough opponent in some other leagues but here they are not going to storm the league with the current teams on show. They underperformed in the preseason cup and will need a lot of work to catch up with the other mid table teams or else they will miss out on playoffs.

    Expected Lineup:
    Chazeiro - PedroM - Tidus - Folk

    C Tier
    First of all, what are your goals for this season? Were you surprised to be accepted as a new team joining the league?

    The goals for this season are kinda basic: we want to end up in the middle of the table and get as many wins as possible. Of course we're not going to win the league, we're not so prepared for that yet. 😉
    I was a bit surprised that we were accepted but most of all, I was surprised that we managed to place 2nd in our group from 5th seed. It's true that we had quite some luck with the group draw but I believe we have the quality that most teams have in this league.

    gl with that! What team do you see coming 1st in the league this season, and then the team that will win the playoffs?
    I don't really want to predict anything. The preseason cup happened and HellaCash won, but who says they will win the real thing? Enigma, HellaCash, Wolfpack, Indigol are probably the main teams to win since they've also reached the semi-finals of the preseason cup. But who's going to be 1st in the regular season? Heh, the season is long, surprises can happen. I don't like being too early so let's play and see what's going to happen.

    In your opinion, who is the best player in this league to have?

    I think the best players belong into one category. There's not only 1 best player.
    jasko, Raiden, Lyreco, vak, veil etc. They may not all be on the same skill level though. Personally, I believe jasko is the best player - he has a very good vision of the game and also very good skills. Then there's Raiden who is also very good in technique and reacting. So, who knows. It could be Raiden or jasko winning it but it could also be someone else.
    All in all, 1 player can't carry the team by himself, that's obvious. It will depend mainly on their teammates, not just on their own individual actions.

    To cap it off, what 9 word inspirational quote would you associate with your team?

    Not really a 9 word quote but still:

    First they ignore us,
    then they laugh at us,
    then they fight us,
    and in the end, we win.
    Team Analysis
    JDom are coming into this season relatively unknown, but did pretty well in the preseason cup, coming 2nd in a group with HDM, SMT and Fix Us. But now that people know not to underrate them and play more warily against them, i think their form will slump and they will find it difficult to reach the playoffs. But congrats to them for doing well at the start, seeing as they didnt even think they would be accepted at first! We havent seen enough of them to put them on a higher tier with more proven teams, but hopefully they can prove themselves throughout the season to climb the ranks

    Expected Lineup:

    C Tier
    @Media Audience
    Uncle Micholas10/04/2020
    First of all congratulations on the pre season win. Do you believe you can replicate this result in the league?

    Thanks Smile. I am of course satisfied with my first piece of glory as a captain ever. We have a great, talented squad that's more than capable of winning the league. My job is to keep these players together and maintain the harmony of the team and then it would only be a matter of time before we could win the league aswell.

    A really great core of players you have. Do you believe they benefitted from le7 and bla leaving at the start of the cup?

    They benefitted more from me becoming captain to be honest Wink. Le7 is just not reliable enough and keeps disappearing. For Bla I don't have to say much. I think his failure with FC Kip speaks for itself ^^

    Indeed, shoutout to maestro. A questionable decision by you was to sign and play raiden in the final, many (including me) were baffled, can you explain your reasoning behind this successful decision?

    I'm lucky and grateful to have such a useful co captain by my side who offered to sit on the bench (aomine). Raiden as his replacement was a no brainer since he's a really good finisher and that's what we were lacking in pre season and in friendlies so far. It turned out to be a stroke of genius since we scored more goals than in any other game and in the final against the strongest possible opponent in the league Wink

    Another highlight from your preseason with the emergence of skrej in dm, were you surprised by his performances or did you always see it coming?
    To be completely honest, I didn't know who he was or where he came from. My team told me he was a really good player and it doesn't take much knowledge to realize that, especially after I saw him in the first few friendlies. He's 100% my starting dm and I wouldn't prefer anyone else (bye Sub 👋)

    Shout out to sub, no 4 on the frauds list. Speaking of frauds, who is the biggest fraud in haxball in your opinion?

    I don't know. For me, I'd say Bla and that's because of what happened with FC Kip. He threw the league and didn't accept his mistake. I don't really care anymore since he got his deserved punishment and he isn't around anymore anyway

    Another shout out goes to moyami. Final question, who are the equalists biggest threats this season?

    Big up my man Moyami'. (Sidenote: I was leading the assist charts and was behind 24 in goals until it all fell apart. What a shame. Oh well, that's irrelevant now). There are some strong squads that could potentially challenge  us and could make it very difficult for us in direct officials. Realistically our biggest threat to the league title has to be Wolf Pack. We have had the edge over them in friendlies and most importantly the pre season final. We have to be on our absolute best to beat Wolf Pack to the league title, I trust my team and I'm confident we can achieve that. GO EQUALISTS 💪!!!

    Thank you very much for the interview and good luck for the season

    Cheers, my pleasure ^^
    Team Analysis
    Formerly Hella Cash, pathan took over this team after Le7 left the server cus he couldnt handle some light trolling. It may have proved to be better for the team as a whole, as they stormed through the preseason cup. Despite their dutch identity, they picked up some french players like Zorci and Raiden (who was my mvp of the tournament) and they have a very strong lineup with lots of chem as these players are used to each other by now. On their day, they can beat any team in this league by a landslide, but they will need to be careful against the teams challenging for the title this season.
    Edit: With the loss of skrej, their title run will be made more difficult but still expect them to be at the top with the best teams.

    Expected Lineup:
    Zorci-aomine-veil-Raiden 🐐

    S Tier
    Indigol didnt answer to any interview requests, so instead ill just leave this here
    Shoutout to Tool!
    Maestro career highlights

    Team Analysis
    Indigol have signed/bribed some good players recently, but they will still struggle to compete with the top teams as their lineup can only be as strong as the weakest link, and they lack a top caliber player in 1 or 2 positions. They will still reach playoffs but will fall to a top 4 team, much like in the preseason cup. Hopefully Maestro unblocks me so he can read this.

    Expected Lineup:
    Xavi-shaxlele-Doktor Weiss-Drogbeni

    A Tier
    @Media Audience
    Uncle Micholas11/04/2020
    Being a relatively new team to futsal, could you please give a brief outline of your squad and what the people at home should expect from Flying Aces?

    Well Flying Aces is actually a team from the rs leagues and we decided we should play in futsal leagues too so here we are and teams should be aware of us

    Ah okay, how has the team found the transition and what are your hopes for the season?

    The transition was easier for most of us than we thought actually. Although we are better in futsal than rs. We already found a good rhythm and we are still improving and learning. Starting with 2 wins into the season is a good indicator for that. Reaching the playoffs is easy doable for us in this season, after that we have to see from game to game

    Congratulations on your recent success, another big part of your success is the signings you've been able to make, how have the Finnish duo helped improve your game? Thanks for taking Total off us btw.

    np mate, like I said most of us were playing rs before, for futsal we have signed the Finns and ozo who all have been welcomed to FA nicely. Total has been great help scoring goals and he has more fun playing again and Tunti has been a key player and became an absolute beast in our def

    3 very talented players. Who do you see winning the title this season?
    Well tbh i would like us to win this season but we will see how things will go. WP, Enigma and Equalists are the favs to win this season.

    Very ambitious but i could see it happening with your strongest lineup. Who in your opinion is the best player in the league atm?

    Well in my opinion it would be ozo or Total but if we take someone of the whole league it would be Vak cause he obv is pretty good and carrying his team

    Final question, who is the biggest fraud in haxball?

    So obviously there is HDM as a whole team, but as a single person it has to be Raiden because he deleted HFL just before we promoted to division 1. Shoutout to our beloved Raiden.

    Shoutout to number 3 on the frauds list. Thanks for the interview and goodluck for the rest of the season.

    You are welcome mate. Good luck to all the other teams and may the best one win!
    Team Analysis
    Flying Aces did well to sign Total and Tuntija and if OZOJAA stays active they could have a very solid team. Total is a great player with a lot of experience (hes been playing haxball since 2003) and him leading the line will mean a lot of goals for Flying Aces. They should aim to finish in one the playoff places and will have a successful season if so.

    Expected Lineup:
    Sero-Tuntija-OZO JAA-Total

    B Tier
    FIX US
    After a shaky league last season Fix Us really turned up for the playoff stage narrowly missing out on the trophy, will we be seeing a similar fix us this season?

    • G i a N
    no we won't even reach playoffs

    Nice to see some confidence, very rare in futsal. Why do you think that is?

    • G i a N
    because we can't compete against good teams since we aren't serious at all

    Do you believe the covid-19 situation in Italy to be a cause for this or is it just playing for 5 years and having nothing to show for it?

    • G i a N
    well when you start the league without real DMs it's difficult to be at the same level as the good teams that are currently playing the league

    Understandable, can we please have an update on why Fix Us has no dms?

    • G i a N
    Because one guy decided to give more space to the italian league (but now he's back to help us) and for the other i dont want to talk

    Will there be any surprise signings to cover the hole in dm or will the Italians stick to their guns?

    • G i a N
    no currently i dont plan to add any other DM, we'll continue with Bitti

    Okay. Final question, who do you see winning the league this season?

    • G i a N

    Thank you very much for this insightful interview and good luck for the season.
    Team Analysis
    Fix Us have the potential to be an A Tier team, however with their current form one would think they were all in a nursing home. G.Bale is a great ST and they have Nexus back after the waffler finally got a PC. With the loss of Rainmaker they will need midfield players to step up, and expect them to do so with the likes of Bitti returning. (my haxball idol) I can see them losing at least 1 game to bslavs though.

    Expected Lineup:

    B Tier
    @Media Audience
    Uncle Micholas11/04/2020
    First of all, what are your goals for this season? Were you surprised to be accepted, having been banned from the league last season?

    The goal is to show that Supreme Meme team is the supreme meme team of haxball. I was anything but suprised to be accepted, futsal is suffering from active teams to be able to further its potential, therefore more then happy to join any league with a decent staff team 👍

    Which player in your team do you think will have the most impact on your games, in a positive OR negative way?

    I think Don Lokko will be the player you'll have to watch out for. according to how he plays the teams result will be influenced. I say no more.

    What team do you think will win the league and what team do you think will finish rock bottom?

    Imma have to give the L to brexit slavs, even tho they consist of the B team of triple D. My top predictions are hard to say, there are many strong teams this season and I'll have to see the form of each of these teams to know which one will prevail.

    Super Meme Team play with a very distinctive style, which often includes losing the ball. Do you think this tactic can help you reach playoffs?

    thats just an insult
    My team consists of people that have been playing for slightly over or under a year, if the ball is lost alot its due to an inexperience in the team. This tactic when perfected will make sure to NOT lose the ball as soon as many know whats going on and whats expected, they will learn that they can make mistakes and we can still comeback, just like most games I had in HFL with Hatake as gk.

    And finally, what colour would you use to describe Supreme Mens Team and why?

    Red, because aggressive play before anything.
    Team Analysis
    Supreme Meme Team will be aiming to match Jdominatorzys pace over this season, but it will be tough for them to achieve this. They have some solid individual players but frankly they are just a slightly better Brexit Slavs. They may win some unexpected games against better teams, but without Hatake, expect that to be few and far between. At the end of the day they play for fun like Bslavs which wont get them far, but is admirable!

    Expected Lineup:

    D Tier
    @Media Audience Final interview with Lourd released later today along with the final tier list!
    Uncle Micholas11/04/2020
    This season you have brought back one of futsals classic teams in hc froud and also brought back some old names whilst mixing it with the new. Why did u want to bring back the name and do you believe the project will bring you success this season?

    This was really a nobrainer. For this season, I brought with me the players from Lourd I got along with (so no Raiden) and some foreigners to complete the squad. Given most of my players are ex-Lourd players, it felt natural to use the Lourd's name.
    We're slowly building our chemistry, the regular season will train us well for the playoffs. To be honest, the top 5 teams are really close, even tho WP is a bit above. We'll see how we'll do in the end, there's no reason not to aim high. I am confident in my players, not much in Blaaster tho.

    I see that disrespect to one of haxballs best players. Do you believe you are able to make playoffs and if so where do you think you will finish in the playoff phase?

    I dislike blaaster but dont tell him. We will make playoffs obviously, and I'll aim high with a final, I believe it's not out of reach, even tho it will be hard. Enigma and Wolf Pack are great teams atm.

    I can see it happening, especially after your performance against the equalists (making skrej rq). What was the key to you getting a draw?

    We should have won, however most of our players weren't prepared well enough for the game, myself included. The reason we played well versus them was the performance of oek, who is unfortunately lagging these days, but didn't stop him from establishing dominance to them frauds. At the moment, I'd say he is one of the most underrated players in the league.

    He was class for eNIGma back in the day. Are there any other underrated players in the league at the minute you think require a mention?
    Dunno, there aren't much underrated players. Maybe wroz, but that would be it. Oh yeah, I think dindin will be a top player for Brexit Slavs, he's going to easily fill the spot that Total left

    Indeed, dino has big boots to fill. Who in your opinion is the biggest fraud in haxball?

    Eh, most of the frauds tryharded enough to not be considered frauds anymore. I think tomza deserves to be nominated, had an awful game in preseason
    Thinking about it, Bla is still the biggest of them all, faking a whole match and now he’s hiding with alts. No 👏 shame 👏

    Shout outs to fluxer. Final question, thoughts on raiden?

    Think he got the right team for him, full of overrated kids, dunno how long it'll last. Pretty sure he wasted the chances of title of Lourd back then, by always playing himself when he couldn't pass for his life. But it's ok I don't hold a grudge, and it seems that he doesn't either, given he's been dming me for over 9 months without a response.

    Thank you for the interview and good luck with the season.
    Team Analysis
    Gouiri decided to set up HC Lourd again after no team wanted to sign him, and he has done well so far considering he is not using the help of any of Lourd's former starting squad. With Anddy, they are a top team, but he isnt active on futsal and they are significantly weakened without him. They will be pushing for top 5 this season and if they can improve a lot or sign some more foreign players (smh gouiri ruining the identity of Lourd) they will be a fearsome opponent in the playoffs.

    Expected Lineup:

    A Tier
    Uncle Micholas11/04/2020
    Final Tier List

    haha jk
    S Tier
    Wolf Pack, Enigma, Prayers, Equalists

    A Tier
    Lourd, Indigol

    B Tier
    Fix Us, Predator Eagles, Scream, Flying Aces, Emoji FC

    C Tier
    Jdominatorzy, HDM, AC Milan

    D Tier
    Supreme Meme Team, Brexit Slavs
    @Media Audience Thanks for reading and thanks to @3JoeMuwu for helping out !

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